I understands
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I understands

I understands... Sort of finally? I am papa's son... Now I start to see a reflection. Understands some of his actions. My strength also my weakness...


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Babybird - You're Gorgeous
Monday, May 26, 2008

Because you're gorgeous. Weddings are beautiful...

You are one of the best things that happened to me. Love you...


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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Today, finally began one of the tasks I wanted to do for the holidays. I decided to stop procrastinating and hit the library in search for some programming books. Well, in the end, I didnt manage to find a single MATLAB book in the whole BM Lib, but happened to chanced upon a couple of interesting books. In an attempt to escape the immense heat (oh, the papers said that Singapore hit 34.1 degrees yesterday! gosh...), I stayed on in the library and started on the book "Procrastination: Why you do it, what to do about it".

Its quite an interesting book by 2 PhD chaps. It started off with saying that he was quite surprised and proud that the publish date of the book was ONLY 2 years past the intended date. Many examples related closely to real life and it is really something that I can really associate with.

There is this rather interesting Cycles of Procrastination... In short...
1. I will start early this time. - Most begin very hopeful
2. I have got to start soon. - Time for early start has passed, but dateline still far away. Chill
3. What if I dont start? - Start imagining all the horrible consequences if he/she doesnt starts
a. I should have started sooner! - Feels remorse.
b. I am doing everything but... - Well, everything but just simply avoiding the subject!
c. I cant enjoy everything... - Mind just too occupied with task at hand to enjoy anything
d. I hope no one finds out! - As times drags on... he/she just goes into hiding/avoidance.
4. There is still time... - Guilt-stricken, ashamed, but still trying to be optimistic
5. There is something wrong with me - Desperate. Horrible terrible fears arising.
6. To do or Not to do. - THE CHOICE.
7. I will never procrastinate again!! - Needs no explanation how the cycle goes back to square 1.

It seems like this cycle is seen in everyday life! From work to friends to every single thing. The interesting fact is that most of us would have known this cycle in some way or another but we just keep repeating them!

Currently one fifth through the book, just past the "Roots of Procrastination". Quite an interesting book. I will recommend it to my friends for sure. We can sure have a good laugh over it. Or in fact curb our procrastination habits!

And though I said I wanted to finish the book, but I still think I will go for a game of DoTA later. Hmm, is that procrastination? NAr... I am rewarding myself!


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